Why Bother Getting the COVID Vaccine If You Can Still Get COVID? A Doctor Explains

Why Bother Getting the COVID Vaccine If You Can Still Get COVID? A Doctor Explains

Have you heard people say- "why get the covid vaccine when you can still get covid?" I've heard this too- a million times. But we SHOULD get the covid vaccine even though there is a small possibility of getting covid and this is why. Also, I explain why it's still possible to get covid once vaccinated in this video!

Hello! I’m Dr. Jen. I'm a Board-Certified Family Physician, on-air health expert, and video creator. Welcome to my YouTube Channel and thank you for watching this video! Let me know what you think and please subscribe to my channel above https://youtube.com/drjencaudle.

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xo Dr. Jen

#covidvaccine #covid #deltavariant

Why Should You Get the COVID Vaccine When You Can Still Get COVIDdr jendr jen caudle

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