Useful English Vocabulary Words | Vocabulary words with Meaning | English Words with Pronunciation
Hello, friends, my name is Matty and welcome to our Youtube channel Matty English.
About this video: - Hello friends and in today's video, we are going to discuss some new useful English vocabulary words with use in sentences and also the pronunciation of these words so that you could learn their uses and pronunciation also. These words are explained in both Hindi and English so that you don't face any difficulty regarding memorization. So watch this video till the end it is a very useful video for both beginners and advanced learners.
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अंग्रेजी में वचन किसे कहते है??
LINK - https://mattyenglish.com/noun-and-number/
अंग्रेजी में GENDER क्या होता है इसके कितने प्रकार है??
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अंग्रेजी में TENSE किसे कहते है? इसके कितने प्रकार है??
LINK - https://mattyenglish.com/tenses-in-english-grammar/
अंग्रेजी में VERBS किसे कहा जाता है इसके कितने प्रकार है??
LINK - https://mattyenglish.com/verbs-in-english-grammar/
MODALS किसे कहते है अंग्रेजी में कितने मोडाल्स है??
LINK - https://mattyenglish.com/modals-in-english-grammar/
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LINK - https://mattyenglish.com/13-useful-sentences/
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