#WARNING_LIVE_FEEDING!! #HuntsmanSpider #Warninglife
Warning Live Feeding!! Giant Frog eating Quill Chick, What Happen?
!!! WARNING !!!
!! This Video serves for Education and Scientific Purposes only and it does not promote Violence.
The Video only Shows Fighting Skills of Two Predators Frog Scorpion Mouse Quail Chick Chicken Gecko Lizard...
It is natural and shows, what can happen if these two predators meet in wild nature.!!!
Hello everyone!
This video is contains feeding activity as the animal nature, The big animal eating a smaller but some smaller also eat a bigger, We apologize if any inconvenience caused to you such as a little socking activity of each animal.
We are appreciated and welcome every improvement feedback or suggestion
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The African bullfrog eats large numbers of frogs.
아프리카 황소 개구리는 많은 수의 개구리를 먹습니다.
African Bullfrog manducat et magnam multitudinem ranarum.
Der afrikanische Ochsenfrosch frisst viele Frösche.
Katak banteng Afrika memakan banyak katak.
Afrika boğa kurbağası çok sayıda kurbağa yer.
De Afrikaanse brulkikker eet grote aantallen kikkers.
aldafade al'afriqiu yakul 'aedadaan kabiratan min aldafade.