Tony has had to stop doing work on our houses! All will be revealed today...because... there is a good reason for this. I go to the Brocante near Bourges then... Hurrah...., Our friends return to help us out.
We have a day out, first to a local Vide Grenier or boot sale/brocante then a trip to Limoges Airport to collect another friend. Yes the flights are back on again.
We are Tony and Jane and we are living in and renovating our old Relais De Poste/Coaching Inn.
We live in the heart of France in a region called The Berry.
We have over 40 rooms to renovate so there is plenty of work to be done. We enjoy trawling the local Brocantes, flea markets, vide greniers and antique shops for quirky furnishings and furniture.
We love to find out about local history and often visit other peoples buildings including our friends’ Chateaux. Join us as we work, explore, learn new skills and generally have fun, living in France.