In the relationship, cuddles are important as it gives you the feeling of safety and security. Like that, a bedtime cuddle is also important.
Physical contact of any kind makes people relax and also reduces the tensions of their daily life.
If you and your partner cuddle up while sleeping, then it helps in maintaining intimacy and also makes you relax. It makes your bond strong as we like physical closeness and contact. A feeling of safety is a must for one to have a good sleep. The way you and your partner sleep can tell all about your relationship.
Hugging, snuggling, massage, and kissing all fall under the cuddling umbrella. There’s no right or wrong way to cuddle, but these common cuddling positions can pave the way to an epic cuddling session.
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How to Cuddle: https://youtu.be/NwTHkDTigpU
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