♥︎July Devotion♥︎Precious Blood of Jesus♥︎ This is the Devotion to the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ as given by Our Lord and Our Lady and a multitude of angels and saints to a nearly illiterate Nigerian teenage boy, Barnabas Nwoye, in the village of Olo, Enugu State, Nigeria, from 1995 – 2003. Our Lord told young Barnabas this is the greatest devotion. He has ever given the Church and the last one. He will give in this age. This is the ark that will protect and bring the Holy Catholic Church, the remnant faithful, and all those you love and pray for safety through the bitter trials of the coming chastisement and into the promised Era of Peace. Our Catholic Church dedicates the month of July to The Precious Blood of Jesus. For more information on this devotion: https://www.preciousbloodinternational.com/prayers_06.html
🖤 Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Devotion Prayers and Rosaries 🖤
Join us every Thursday in July for Gethsemane Hours of prayer 11 PM Nigeria time, 6 PM EST U.S.A.
Related Prayers:
❤️ Chaplet of the Precious Blood of Jesus: https://youtu.be/D2f8s_NQzKc
❤️ Month of July Daily Prayers Devotion: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiNFWaFWggROXXC5uY8xNpB1XtPxPFx5J
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The timestamps for each mystery:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:37 - Today's Inspiration
00:00:48 - Novena to Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
00:01:27 - Sorrowful Rosary Opening Prayers
00:06:47 - Agony in the Garden - 1st decade
00:12:30 - Scourging at the Pillar - 2nd decade
00:18:13 - Crowning of Thorns - 3rd decade
00:23:55 - Carrying of the Cross - 4th decade
00:29:28 - Crucifixion - 5th decade
00:35:10 - Hail Holy Queen and Closing Prayers
00:36:22 - Litany of Mary
00:41:41 - Prayer to St. Joseph
00:42:43 - Memorare Prayer
00:43:18 - St. Michael the Archangel Prayer
00:43:42 - Chaplet of Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
01:05:17 - Litany of Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
01:11:21 - Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
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