"Seeing Around Corners" with Dea Lawrence, Chief Marketing Officer Variety, & Tania Yuki Shareablee

"Seeing Around Corners" with Dea Lawrence, Chief Marketing Officer Variety, & Tania Yuki Shareablee

In this episode of CMO Pulse, Variety's Chief Marketing Officer Dea Lawrence shares her experiences and advice about innovation, seeing around corners and growth. Variety has been an iconic brand for over 100 years, and Dea explains all the steps that she and her team are taking to continue to innovate, appeal to new audiences, and grow the brand as the world underwent massive change in 2020 with the Covid pandemic.

Dea's pathway to CMO is a surprising one - she began her career as an actor on television and onstage, but was always "selling on the side" across a variety of industries. Dea shares how all of these experiences came together for her "portfolio" approach to her career, and offers some very important advice about growing from where you're planted. Whether you're wondering what's next, or simply thinking about what's most important in your career after living through all the change in the pandemic, this is a terrific interview for you.

dea lawrencedea lawrence varietytania yuki

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