A New York Times opinion piece shows the stats behind the shocking, and sad, factors causing skyrocketing housing costs. John Iadarola and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/tyt/live
Read more HERE: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/13/opinion/covid-housing-phoenix-austin.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage
"When Covid-19 first hit, those of us in the real estate industry predicted a collapse of the housing market. In just the first two months of the pandemic, 22.4 million Americans lost their jobs, while gross domestic product fell at the fastest rate in modern history in the second quarter. Instead, what unfolded was a transformation of the housing market, fueled by what I call “migration mania.”"
Hosts: John Iadarola, Ana Kasparian
Cast: John Iadarola, Ana Kasparian
The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET.
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