In this lesson, you will learn how to play arpeggios on the Piano in three of the most sought after patterns around the music scene. The styles used can be played by any learner, from beginner to professional.
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We’ve divided the lesson into two parts - Part 1 covers the arpeggio patterns and the chord progression and Part 2 covers three techniques to make your arpeggios stand out from the rest of the crowd
Head over to Part 2 once you have finished this lesson: https://youtu.be/6Rpz4AWsYrY
All our lessons on Chord Inversions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrNNL05e9FT9ygtrGwGFmfyvMyGWH52EC
01:02 Introduction - The 4 chords used - Em G D A
05:01The 3 Goto Arpeggio Patterns - LMHM | HMLM
07:22 Suggested Posture while playing Arpeggios
08:20 HLML
09:02 Playing the Chord Progression using Arpeggios
13:22 Recap
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► Arpeggios: https://geni.us/Arpeggios
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Korg B2SP Digital Piano - https://geni.us/KorgB2
Casio PXS300 Digital Piano - https://geni.us/CasioPXS3000
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Yamaha PSR E363 - https://geni.us/YamahaE363
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Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Studio - https://geni.us/Focusrite2i2Studio
Focusrite 18i20 - https://geni.us/Focusrite18i20
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Ashton Microphones Origin (Condenser) - https://geni.us/AstonOriginMic
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Headphone BeyerDynamic DT770Pro - https://geni.us/BeyerDT770
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Keyboard Stand Spider Pro (K&M) - https://geni.us/SpiderProKM
Keyboard Stand K&M Table Type - https://geni.us/KMTableStand
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Sustain Pedal M-Audio SP2 - https://geni.us/MAudioSP2
Sustain Pedal Yamaha FC3A (Half-Pedalling) - https://geni.us/YamahaFC3A
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